Theatrical poster of The Ring
Sadako’s great reveal

In  1998 Ringu received universal critical acclaim

I would usually joke with my friends that my threshold for horror films are sky high. I’d tell them if I had my own television network, movies like Human Centipede, Insidious, The Conjuring would be in my morning block together with all the children’s show like Barney and Telletubbies. So, what would I show in my prime time block?

I’d probably put films like I Saw The Devil, The Exorcist, Cold Fish, Nymphomaniac, Cannibal Holocaust and the Japanese cult classic Ringu. These titles can really shatter your known reality.In Ring 0: Birthday: Sadako was split into two. A good girl and a bad girl before merging into the furious Sadako in the videotape.

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Kitch by Araw Sun

It hit when the sun was blue.

Not knowing white from black, happy from melancholy, circles from triangles.

If you filter the sun under an extreme ultraviolet light, a blue flame structure will appear in plasma. It erupts on the surface of the sun.

I heard you speak, so softly, gently, seducing and sincerely.

“Inaantay kita, kala ko ayaw mo eh…” – not exactly but it moved me.

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