It was about 2 months ago that I received a private message in one of our social media sites requesting for an event coverage at PUP main campus in Sta. Mesa. It was a request that I could easily say yes to. Little did I know that it opened a door towards one of my dream.
Chief Seattle
Weeks after the initial talks online, a group of students met up with me and was surprised by the coincidence that all of them had Jo’s in their names. They were Jonel, Jodelyn, Joe and Chris. I thought that Chris was an exception but then I saw her last name was Jolo. It was even more humorous to discover the reason on how Jodie was able to reach our production company. It was during a Christmas bazaar in Quezon Memorial Circle that my friend Siri clumsily spilled stale yogurt at Jodie’s foot. In an effort to apologize, Siri wiped Jodie’s foot and gave her my calling card. Now that was the best marketing strategy ever. Then the day came when Jodie needed our service and this was the perfect timing to redeem ourselves from a very embarrassing yet worthwhile moment.
We were selling shirts in Quezon Circle when my friend Siri spilled yogurt at Jodie’s foot.The talks went smoothly and I was psyched to be part of something that really means a lot to a batch of Industrial Engineering students. We were tasked to cover their annual seminar organized by 5th year students of PUP Industrial Engineering that focuses on preparing them on their transition towards the corporate world.

My first day experience in PUP was cathartic in the sense that it felt like I was Metallica and we are about to get the stage rockin’
Hence, the day finally came and the words that could best describe the 2 day seminar were: passionate, creative, competitive, confident, enjoyable, sentimental and wild. The first thing that I observed was that the students were impressively systematic. Everyone had their own roles and they know how to execute. Michelle, a 5th year IE student was assigned to guide us and JM from ECE had the radio to assist us on our technical requirements. Three more from the ECE radio team assisted us namely John Paul, Angela and Imee. All of them took care of our team. We had shares of laughter, laughter and laughter. It was at that moment that I remember that there were two people from PUP that has greatly inspired my life. My dad and my teamate in Matanglawin, CJ. Both of them probably did not possess most of the qualities that I mentioned above because they are more mischievous and stubborn. But regardless, both of them had their own tatak PUP attitude. My dad was an activist and revolutionist. It is because of him that I attribute and continue my own brand of revolutionary cause. And CJ who was a “bibo-kid” that is very much present in most of PUP students. Both of them were admirable and it was because of these qualities that I found all of the people in that room equally admirable too. Kasama ata ‘yon sa sinasabi nilang tatak-PUP. They are very admirable. And as both my dad and CJ are close to my heart and so is all the PUP IE students has become.

I fell inlove with all the names that were mentioned here. I was infatuated on how determined and driven these people are. My emotions are almost bordering to romantic even. All of them looked beautiful and perfect during that assembly. It was like seeing an ancient community in which everyone had their own roles and that the more pro-active they are the more precious they become.
I wanted to share more time with the students but that was all that I had. Even so, I had enough learning to add on to my cosmic journey. I will carry this experience ‘til my last breath. My humble advice to you (IE students) is to ALWAYS remember that day. Remember that time that you were at your best. Remember the days your circle was full of zest and enthusiasm. Keep your ideals and principles intact. For when the time comes that you will be put into you biggest challenge, the qualities mentioned above should resurface and be admirable once more. A new life awaits you out there. Many unimaginable things could come your way. But regardless of all the adversaries, keep in mind that you guys are and will always be ADMIRABLE. Now go and tell the world that you are.