Theatrical poster of The Ring
Sadako’s great reveal

In  1998 Ringu received universal critical acclaim

I would usually joke with my friends that my threshold for horror films are sky high. I’d tell them if I had my own television network, movies like Human Centipede, Insidious, The Conjuring would be in my morning block together with all the children’s show like Barney and Telletubbies. So, what would I show in my prime time block?

I’d probably put films like I Saw The Devil, The Exorcist, Cold Fish, Nymphomaniac, Cannibal Holocaust and the Japanese cult classic Ringu. These titles can really shatter your known reality.In Ring 0: Birthday: Sadako was split into two. A good girl and a bad girl before merging into the furious Sadako in the videotape.

Continue reading “ROGUE AND RINGU”


What we call human nature in actuality is human habit – Jewel

In 1996 when I was in 6th grade, I’d usually see the music video of Jewel’s Who Will Save Your Soul on TV. It was always played during re-runs of this local music program on TV aired exactly by the time I get home from school. At that time, I found Jewel very charming. I was intrigued by her unique singing style, her  ultra-sick vocal range and her blonde hair. But not until I was in my late 20’s that I was able to see her as a sultry sex symbol. She is an animal! She is a firecracker! She is scorching hot! (that was before she went under the knife)



“Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it.” – JM Barrie, Peter Pan

Days after my 4-day-fasting and meditation, I came up with my own idea of a production house. I named it “The Truth Project” at first. I had three conceptual programs for social media back then. My plan was to produce these sample programs and present it to various news websites here in the Philippines and sell my idea. But as my adventure slowly unfolds my concept and idea is no longer for sale. And The Truth Project is now Rogue Wolf Creations.

Continue reading “MAKING OF ROGUE FINAL”